
What is the new version number?

The version number depends on the severity of the changes and adheres to semantic versioning. The format is x.y.z..

You are also allowed to append -rc.1 after the last digit to indicate the first or higher release candidates. Thus, you can test deployment on PyPI and release preliminary versions.

How to release a new version?

  1. At first, we can draft a release on Github. Go to and click on “Draft a new release”. Fill in the new version number as a tag and title. You can write a summary for the release, but also do it later. Important: Only save the draft. Do not publish yet.

  2. Second, we need to create a final PR to prepare everything for the new version. The name of the PR and the commit message will be “Release vx.y.z”. We need to

    • update all references of the old version number (, respy/, docs/

    • update information in CHANGES.rst to have summary of the changes which can also be posted in the Github repository under the tag.

    Merge the PR into master.

  3. After that, revisit the draft of the release. Make sure everything is fine. Now, you click on “Publish release” which creates a version tag on the latest commit of the specified branch. The tag will trigger a build on Travis-CI which will publish the release on PypI.

  4. Make sure that the new release was indeed published by checking PyPI.

  5. Spread the word!


  • Travis-CI only builds tags if “Build pushed branches” is active.

  • If you publish a release on PyPI, the same version number cannot be reused even if you delete the release. This is a safety measure. If you are not sure whether the release will work, create a release candidate instead and publish the real version later.