Source code for respy.pre_processing.specification_helpers

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from respy.python.shared.shared_constants import ROOT_DIR

[docs]def csv_template(num_types=1, save_path=None, initialize_coeffs=True): """Creates a template for the parameter specification. Parameters ---------- num_types : `int`, optional Number of types in the model. Default is one. save_path : str, pathlib.Path, optional The template is saved to this path. Default is ``None``. initialize_coeffs : bool, optional Whether coefficients are initialized with values or not. Default is ``True``. """ template = _base_template() if num_types > 1: to_concat = [ template, _type_share_template(num_types), _type_shift_template(num_types), ] template = pd.concat(to_concat, axis=0, sort=False) if initialize_coeffs is False: template["para"] = np.nan if save_path is not None: template.to_csv(save_path) return template
def _base_template(): path = ROOT_DIR / "pre_processing" / "base_spec.csv" base_template = pd.read_csv(path) base_template.set_index(["category", "name"], inplace=True) return base_template def _type_share_template(num_types): assert num_types > 1 types = list(range(1, num_types + 1)) to_concat = [] for typ in types[1:]: # add the type share coefficients ind = ("type_shares", "base_share_{}".format(typ)) comment = "share_of_agents_of_type_{}".format(typ) dat = [1 / num_types, False, np.nan, np.nan, comment] to_concat.append(_base_row(index_tuple=ind, data=dat)) ind = ("type_shares", "ten_years_{}".format(typ)) comment = ( "effect of more than ten years of schooling on " "probability of being type {}".format(typ) ) dat = [0, False, np.nan, np.nan, comment] to_concat.append(_base_row(index_tuple=ind, data=dat)) return pd.concat(to_concat, axis=0, sort=False) def _type_shift_template(num_types): assert num_types > 1 types = list(range(1, num_types + 1)) to_concat = [] for typ in types[1:]: for sector in ["occ_a", "occ_b", "edu", "home"]: ind = ("type_shift", "type_{}_in_{}".format(typ, sector)) comment = "deviation for type {} from type 1 in {}".format(typ, sector) dat = [0, False, np.nan, np.nan, comment] to_concat.append(_base_row(index_tuple=ind, data=dat)) return pd.concat(to_concat, axis=0, sort=False) def _base_row(index_tuple, data): ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([index_tuple], names=["category", "name"]) cols = ["para", "fixed", "lower", "upper", "comment"] df = pd.DataFrame(index=ind, columns=cols, data=[data]) return df