The State Space

The implementation of the state space in respy serves several purposes. First and foremost the state space contains a register of all possible states of the universe that a particular models allows for. In high dimensional models the number of states grow substantially which constitutes a considerable constraint for creating realistic models of economic dynamics. To relax this constraint as much as possible it is crucial to avoid any duplication of calculations or information. To this extent we designed a state space that contains a range of different objects that define representations and groupings of individual model states that allow us to use as few resources as possible during the model solution. Once an attribute of a state can be expressed as a combination of the attributes of two sub-states the number of calculations required to map all states to their attributes is reduced drastically. The distinction between core and dense states within respy is defined such that this property is exploited in a straight forward way. Bundling states with a similar representation and a symmetric treatment in the model solution together avoids double calculation and allows to write simpler and more efficient code. This consideration constitutes the base for the fine grained division of states in respy which is defined in the period_choice_cores. The range of methods contained in our state space facilitates clear communication between different groups and representations of the state space. This guide contains an illustration of the most important components of the state space by stressing their role in representation of states, division of states and communication between states.


We divide state space dimensions in core and dense dimensions. A core dimension is a deterministic function of past choices, time and initial conditions. Adding another core dimension changes the structure of the state space in a complicated way. A dense dimension is not such a function and thus either changes the state space in a more predictable way or changes the state space in such a complicated way that we find it easier to have slightly larger state space than required rather than performing complciated calculations to get a precise one. A prime example for a dense variable in pur mode is an observable characteristic that does not change in the model. The addition of exogenous processes as dense variables makes the distinction a bit less explicit but the general logic still applies. A dense state of the model is a combination of its dense and core states. All attributes that are only functions of either dense dimensions or core dimensions can be calculated seperately and can be combined thereafter. This property dramatically reduces the amount of calculations required to obtain several pieces of information. The main conceptual objects underlying the representation of states are the core state space, the dense grid and the dense state space.

  • The Core State Space:

    The core state space is the set of all core states. It is the image of the function underlying the core dimensions invoked at al feasible combinations of past choices time and initial conditions. The Core State Space is explicitely obtained in the module and is represented by a pd.DataFrame. As such it is the basis for most calculations and every state in the solution is partly represented by apointer to a row in the core state space.

  • Dense Grid:

    The dense grid is a list that contains all states of dense variables. The main difference to the core state space is that we do not apply logic to obtain all feasible states of dense dimensions. Instead we just use the full cartesian product of dense dimenions. As we already mentioned in the last section this is either due to the fact that the marginal change of the state space due to the addition of the variable is so simple that we do not have to do any more than to duplicate the existing state space or due to the fact the marginal change is so complicated that we are fine with having a slightly bigger state space than required. The dense grid is also explicitely obtained and represented by a list of tuples. Each state in the solution is partly represented by a pointer to a position in the dense grid.

  • Dense State Space:

    The dense state space contains all full states that the model allows for. In respy the dense state space is essentially the cartesian product of the core state space and the entries in the dense grid. We however do not store the full dense state space explicitly. We rather create the dense state space sperately for each dense_period_choice_chore. Each dense state is represented by a combination of the dense state and the subset of the core dataframe that corresponds to the particular denste_period_choice_core. We only require the full information at two particular points in the creation of the state space and the solution of the model. Since it takes a long time to create this object and since it would consume a lot of memory to keep it in the working memory at all times the objects are saved to disk after they are created and only called whenever they are required.


The essential dimension along which our model is solved is time. That implies that the minimal division of the dense state space that we require to solve our model is along time. During the solution and analysis different states however are treated differently. In particular covariates are calculated differently and choices or other conditions are different. We thus want a division of the state space in each period that is as symmetric as possible in its treatment during the solution while not being too complicated to compile and manage. The dense state space is seperated in dense_period_choice_cores in respy and several objects and indices are created along the way.

  • Period Choice Cores:

    The interface of respy allows for flexible choice sets. The period choice core maps period and choice set to a set of core states. It mainly constitutes the base for dense_period_choice cores.

  • Dense Period Choice Cores:

    The period choice core maps period and choice set and dense index to a set of core states. This is the separation of states that the model solution loops over. All of the state space operations work symmetrically on all states within one period. The same mapping is applied to generate the full set of covariates, they are all called at the same time during the backward induction procedure (reordering would not matter) and they all use the same rule to obtain continuation value. That is the reason why they are stored together and why the model solution loops over period and all dense_period_choice_cores within that period perform their operations in parallel.

  • State Space Location Indices:

    To store and manage information efficiently we build simple indices of the state space objects introduced above. It is crucial to say that we only need certain information at certain points in the solution process. Thus we define a location indices such that we can access all the information that we need throughout the solution easily. In general these location indices are integers that point to a position within an object. In general we call location indices indices if the defining mapping is injective in the dense state space and keys if the defining mapping is not injective in the dense state space. Thus it follows that location indices that point to a row in the core_state_space are referred to as indices while location indices that refer to a group of states such as the numeration of the dense_period_choice_cores are referred to as keys.


Several methods facilitate communication between different groups in the state space. To solve a discrete dynamic choice model dense period choice cores in different periods need to communicate each other. This section shortly summarizes how the three main state space methods create an intertemporal link between state space groups and thereby facilitate an efficient model solution.

  • Collect Child Indices:

    This function assigns each state a function that maps choices into child states. (Requires more information)

  • Get Continuation Values:

    This method uses collect child indices to assign each state a function that maps choices into continuation values. It is the api that a dense period choice core uses to get information about the continuation values.

  • Set Attribute from keys:

    This method allows to store information at a certain point of a state space object. It is the api that a dense period choice core uses to store information about the expected value functions.