Source code for respy.tests.test_solve

import numpy as np
import pytest

from respy.config import EXAMPLE_MODELS
from respy.config import INDEXER_INVALID_INDEX
from respy.config import KEANE_WOLPIN_1994_MODELS
from respy.config import KEANE_WOLPIN_1997_MODELS
from respy.pre_processing.model_checking import check_model_solution
from respy.pre_processing.model_processing import process_params_and_options
from respy.shared import create_core_state_space_columns
from respy.solve import get_solve_func
from respy.state_space import _create_core_period_choice
from respy.state_space import _create_core_state_space
from respy.state_space import _create_indexer
from respy.state_space import create_state_space_class
from respy.tests._former_code import _create_state_space_kw94
from respy.tests._former_code import _create_state_space_kw97_base
from respy.tests._former_code import _create_state_space_kw97_extended
from respy.tests.random_model import generate_random_model
from respy.tests.utils import apply_to_attributes_of_two_state_spaces
from respy.tests.utils import process_model_or_seed

@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_or_seed", EXAMPLE_MODELS)
[docs]def test_check_solution(model_or_seed): """Test solution of a random model.""" params, options = process_model_or_seed(model_or_seed) solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) check_model_solution(optim_paras, options, state_space)
@pytest.mark.integration @pytest.mark.precise @pytest.mark.parametrize("model", EXAMPLE_MODELS)
[docs]def test_state_space_restrictions_by_traversing_forward(model): """Test for inadmissible states in the state space. The test is motivated by the addition of another restriction in To ensure that similar errors do not happen again, this test takes all states of the first period and finds all their child states. Taking only the child states their children are found and so on. At last, the set of visited states is compared against the total set of states. The test can only applied to some models. Most models would need custom ``options["core_state_space_filters"]`` to remove inaccessible states from the state space. """ params, options = process_model_or_seed(model) optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) out = {} for x in state_space.child_indices.values(): array = np.concatenate(x) for state in array: if state[0] in out.keys(): if state[1] not in out[state[0]]: out[state[0]].append(state[1]) else: continue else: out[state[0]] = [state[1]] for x in out: assert len(out[x]) == len(state_space.core_key_to_core_indices[x])
@pytest.mark.integration @pytest.mark.parametrize("model_or_seed", EXAMPLE_MODELS)
[docs]def test_invariance_of_solution(model_or_seed): """Test for the invariance of the solution. We run solve two times and check whether all attributes of the state space match. """ params, options = process_model_or_seed(model_or_seed) optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) state_space_ = solve(params) for attribute in [ "core", "wages", "nonpecs", "expected_value_functions", "base_draws_sol", ]: apply_to_attributes_of_two_state_spaces( getattr(state_space, attribute), getattr(state_space_, attribute), np.testing.assert_array_equal,
) @pytest.mark.precise @pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.parametrize("model", KEANE_WOLPIN_1994_MODELS)
[docs]def test_create_state_space_vs_specialized_kw94(model): """ Test whether create state space reproduces invariant features of the kw94 state space! """ point_constr = {"n_lagged_choices": 1, "observables": False} params, options = process_model_or_seed(model, point_constr=point_constr) optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) # Create old state space arguments. n_periods = options["n_periods"] n_types = optim_paras["n_types"] edu_max = optim_paras["choices"]["edu"]["max"] edu_starts = np.array(list(optim_paras["choices"]["edu"]["start"])) # Get states and indexer from old state space. states_old, indexer_old = _create_state_space_kw94( n_periods, n_types, edu_starts, edu_max ) if n_types == 1: states_old = states_old[:, :-1] for i, idx in enumerate(indexer_old): shape = idx.shape indexer_old[i] = idx.reshape(shape[:-2] + (-1,)) states_new = _create_core_state_space(optim_paras, options) core_period_choice = _create_core_period_choice(states_new, optim_paras, options) # I think here we can get more elegant! Or is this the only way? core_index_to_complex = {i: k for i, k in enumerate(core_period_choice)} core_index_to_indices = { i: core_period_choice[core_index_to_complex[i]] for i in core_index_to_complex } # Create sp indexer indexer = _create_indexer(states_new, core_index_to_indices, optim_paras) # Compare the state spaces via sets as ordering changed in some cases. states_old_set = set(map(tuple, states_old)) states_new_set = set(map(tuple, states_new.to_numpy())) assert states_old_set == states_new_set # Compare indexers via masks for valid indices. for period in range(n_periods): index_old_period = indexer_old[period] index_old_period = index_old_period != INDEXER_INVALID_INDEX index_old_period = np.nonzero(index_old_period) indices_old = [ [period] + [index_old_period[x][i] for x in range(len(index_old_period))] for i in range(len(index_old_period[0])) ] for index in indices_old: assert tuple(index) in indexer.keys() for index in indexer.keys(): if index[0] == period: assert list(index) in indices_old
@pytest.mark.precise @pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.parametrize("model", KEANE_WOLPIN_1997_MODELS)
[docs]def test_create_state_space_vs_specialized_kw97(model): """State space reproduces invariant features of the kw97 state space.""" params, options = process_model_or_seed(model) optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) # Create old state space arguments. n_periods = options["n_periods"] n_types = optim_paras["n_types"] edu_max = optim_paras["choices"]["school"]["max"] edu_starts = np.array(list(optim_paras["choices"]["school"]["start"])) # Get states and indexer from old state space. if model == "kw_97_basic": states_old, indexer_old = _create_state_space_kw97_base( n_periods, n_types, edu_starts, edu_max ) else: states_old, indexer_old = _create_state_space_kw97_extended( n_periods, n_types, edu_starts, edu_max ) states_old = states_old[:, :-1] states_new = _create_core_state_space(optim_paras, options) core_period_choice = _create_core_period_choice(states_new, optim_paras, options) # I think here we can get more elegant! Or is this the only way? core_index_to_complex = {i: k for i, k in enumerate(core_period_choice)} core_index_to_indices = { i: core_period_choice[core_index_to_complex[i]] for i in core_index_to_complex } # Create sp indexer indexer = _create_indexer(states_new, core_index_to_indices, optim_paras) # Compare the state spaces via sets as ordering changed in some cases. states_old_set = set(map(tuple, states_old)) states_new_set = set(map(tuple, states_new.to_numpy())) assert states_old_set == states_new_set # Compare indexers via masks for valid indices. for period in range(n_periods): index_old_period = indexer_old[period] != INDEXER_INVALID_INDEX index_old_period = np.nonzero(index_old_period) indices_old = [ [period] + [index_old_period[x][i] for x in range(len(index_old_period) - 1)] for i in range(len(index_old_period[0])) ] for index in indexer.keys(): if index[0] == period: assert list(index) in indices_old for index in indices_old: assert tuple(index) in indexer.keys()
@pytest.mark.edge_case @pytest.mark.unit
[docs]def test_explicitly_nonpec_choice_rewards_of_kw_94_one(): """Test values of non-pecuniary rewards for Keane & Wolpin 1994.""" params, options = process_model_or_seed("kw_94_one") solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) for arr in state_space.nonpecs.values(): assert (arr[:, :2] == 0).all() assert (arr[:, -1] == 17_750).all() if arr.shape[1] == 4: np.isin(arr[:, 2], [0, -4_000]).all()
@pytest.mark.edge_case @pytest.mark.unit
[docs]def test_explicitly_nonpec_choice_rewards_of_kw_94_two(): """Test values of non-pecuniary rewards for Keane & Wolpin 1994.""" params, options = process_model_or_seed("kw_94_two") solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) for arr in state_space.nonpecs.values(): assert (arr[:, :2] == 0).all() assert (arr[:, -1] == 14_500).all() if arr.shape[1] == 4: np.isin(arr[:, 2], [5_000, 0, -10_000, -15_000]).all()
[docs]def test_dense_choice_cores(): """ Check whether continuation values are equal for paths where the restrictions do not make any difference. We check continuation values at states where one choice leads to a remaining decision tree that is equivalent to the unrestricted problem and one where this is not the case! """ point_constr = {"n_periods": 6, "observables": [3], "n_lagged_choices": 1} params, options = generate_random_model(point_constr=point_constr) # Add some inadmissible states optim_paras, _ = process_params_and_options(params, options) # Solve the base model solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) # Retrieve index edu_start = np.random.choice(list(optim_paras["choices"]["edu"]["start"].keys())) state = (3, 0, 3, edu_start, 1) core_ix = state_space.indexer[state] # Choose dense covar pos = np.random.choice(range(len(state_space.dense))) # Get indices dense_combination = list(state_space.dense.keys())[pos] dense_index = state_space.dense_covariates_to_dense_index[dense_combination] ix = ( state_space.core_key_and_dense_index_to_dense_key[core_ix[0], dense_index], core_ix[1], ) unrestricted_cont = state_space.get_continuation_values(3)[ix[0]][ix[1]] # Impose some restriction options["negative_choice_set"] = {"a": ["period == 4 & exp_b ==4"]} # Solve the restricted model solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) core_ix = state_space.indexer[state] # Get indices dense_combination = list(state_space.dense.keys())[pos] dense_index = state_space.dense_covariates_to_dense_index[dense_combination] ix = ( state_space.core_key_and_dense_index_to_dense_key[core_ix[0], dense_index], core_ix[1], ) # Check some features of the state_space restricted_cont = state_space.get_continuation_values(3)[ix[0]][ix[1]] for i in [0, 2, 3]: assert restricted_cont[i] == unrestricted_cont[i] assert restricted_cont[1] != unrestricted_cont[1]
[docs]def test_invariance_of_wage_calc(): """The model reproduces invariant properties of wage outcomes.""" point_constr = {"n_periods": 2, "observables": [3]} params, options = generate_random_model(point_constr=point_constr) # Add some inadmissible states optim_paras, _ = process_params_and_options(params, options) # Solve first model solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) pos = np.random.choice(range(len(state_space.dense))) dense_combination = list(state_space.dense.keys())[pos] dense_index = state_space.dense_covariates_to_dense_index[dense_combination] idx = state_space.core_key_and_dense_index_to_dense_key[(1, dense_index)] # Solve relevant wages wages_b = state_space.wages[idx][:, 1] # Impose some restriction options["negative_choice_set"] = {"a": ["period == 1"]} solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) wages_b_alt = state_space.wages[idx][:, 0] np.testing.assert_array_equal(wages_b, wages_b_alt)
[docs]def test_child_indices(): """Testing existence of properties for calculation of child indices!""" point_constr = {"n_periods": 2, "n_lagged_choices": 1} params, options = generate_random_model(point_constr=point_constr) # Add some inadmissible states optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) state_space = create_state_space_class(optim_paras, options) # Create all relevant columns core_columns = ["period"] + create_core_state_space_columns(optim_paras) # compose child indices of first choice initial_state = state_space.core.iloc[0][core_columns].to_numpy() # Get all the future states states = [] for i in range(len(optim_paras["choices"])): child = initial_state.copy() child[0] += 1 child[i + 1] += 1 child[-1] = i ix = state_space.indexer[tuple(child)] states.append(np.array(ix).reshape(1, 2)) manual = np.concatenate(states, axis=0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(state_space.child_indices[0][0], manual)
@pytest.mark.end_to_end @pytest.mark.precise
[docs]def test_wage_nonpecs(): """Replace constants in reward functions with constants due to observables.""" point_constr = {"n_periods": 3, "n_lagged_choices": 1, "observables": [2]} params, options = generate_random_model(point_constr=point_constr) solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space = solve(params) # Replace constants in choices with constant utility by observables. optim_paras, _ = process_params_and_options(params, options) wage_choice = ("wage", np.random.choice(optim_paras["choices_w_wage"])) nonpec_choice = ("nonpec", np.random.choice(list(optim_paras["choices"]))) # Change specs accordingly for reward in [wage_choice, nonpec_choice]: constant = params.loc[(f"{reward[0]}_{reward[1]}", "constant"), "value"] params = params.drop(index=[(f"{reward[0]}_{reward[1]}", "constant")]) for obs in range(2): params.loc[ (f"{reward[0]}_{reward[1]}", f"observable_0_{obs}"), "value" ] += constant solve = get_solve_func(params, options) state_space_ = solve(params) for attribute in ["wages", "nonpecs"]: apply_to_attributes_of_two_state_spaces( getattr(state_space, attribute), getattr(state_space_, attribute), np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal,