Source code for respy.tests.test_simulate

"""Test the simulation routine."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest
import yaml

import respy as rp
from respy.config import EXAMPLE_MODELS
from respy.config import TEST_DIR
from respy.likelihood import get_crit_func
from respy.pre_processing.data_checking import check_simulated_data
from respy.pre_processing.model_processing import process_params_and_options
from respy.pre_processing.specification_helpers import generate_obs_labels
from respy.simulate import _apply_law_of_motion
from respy.tests.random_model import generate_random_model
from respy.tests.utils import process_model_or_seed

@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_or_seed", EXAMPLE_MODELS)
[docs]def test_simulated_data(model_or_seed): """Test simulated data with ``check_simulated_data``. Note that, ``check_estimation_data`` is also tested in this function as these tests focus on a subset of the data. """ params, options = process_model_or_seed(model_or_seed) simulate = rp.get_simulate_func(params, options) df = simulate(params) optim_paras, _ = process_params_and_options(params, options) check_simulated_data(optim_paras, df)
[docs]def test_one_step_ahead_simulation(): params, options, df = rp.get_example_model("kw_97_basic") options["n_periods"] = 11 simulate = rp.get_simulate_func(params, options, "one_step_ahead", df) _ = simulate(params)
@pytest.mark.end_to_end @pytest.mark.edge_case
[docs]def test_equality_for_myopic_agents_and_tiny_delta(): """Test equality of simulated data and likelihood with myopia and tiny delta.""" # Get simulated data and likelihood for myopic model. params, options = generate_random_model(myopic=True) simulate = rp.get_simulate_func(params, options) df = simulate(params) crit_func = get_crit_func(params, options, df) likelihood = crit_func(params) # Get simulated data and likelihood for model with tiny delta. params.loc["delta", "value"] = 1e-12 df_ = simulate(params) crit_func_ = rp.get_crit_func(params, options, df_) likelihood_ = crit_func_(params) # The continuation values are different because for delta = 0 the backward induction # is completely skipped and all continuation values are set to zero whereas for a # tiny delta, the delta ensures that continuation have no impact. columns = df.filter(like="Continu").columns.tolist() pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df.drop(columns=columns), df_.drop(columns=columns)) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(likelihood, likelihood_, decimal=12)
@pytest.mark.end_to_end @pytest.mark.edge_case
[docs]def test_equality_of_models_with_and_without_observables(): """Test equality of models with and without observables. First, generate a model where the parameter values of observables is set to zero. The second model is obtained by assigning all observable indicators the value of the constant in the reward functions and set the constants to zero. The two models should be equivalent. """ # Now specify a set of observables observables = [np.random.randint(2, 6)] point_constr = {"observables": observables} # Get simulated data and likelihood for myopic model. params, options = generate_random_model(myopic=True, point_constr=point_constr) # Get all reward values index_reward = [ x for x in set(params.index.get_level_values(0)) if "nonpec" in x or "wage" in x ] # Get all indices that have obs_labels = generate_obs_labels(observables, index_reward) # Set these values to zero params.loc[obs_labels, "value"] = 0 # Simulate the base model simulate = rp.get_simulate_func(params, options) df = simulate(params) # Put two new values into the eq for x in obs_labels: params.loc[x, "value"] = params.loc[(x[0], "constant"), "value"] for x in index_reward: params.loc[(x, "constant"), "value"] = 0 # Simulate the new model df_ = simulate(params) # test for equality pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_, df)
@pytest.mark.end_to_end @pytest.mark.precise
[docs]def test_distribution_of_observables(): """Test that the distribution of observables matches the simulated distribution.""" # Now specify a set of observables point_constr = {"observables": [np.random.randint(2, 6)], "simulation_agents": 1000} params, options = generate_random_model(point_constr=point_constr) simulate = rp.get_simulate_func(params, options) df = simulate(params) # Check observable probabilities probs = df["Observable_0"].value_counts(normalize=True, sort=False) # Check proportions n_levels = point_constr["observables"][0] for level in range(n_levels): # Some observables might be missing in the simulated data because of small # probabilities. Test for zero probability in this case. probability = probs.loc[level] if level in probs.index else 0 params_probability = params.loc[ (f"observable_observable_0_{level}", "probability"), "value" ] np.testing.assert_allclose(probability, params_probability, atol=0.05)
@pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.precise @pytest.mark.parametrize("i", range(1, 3))
[docs]def test_apply_law_of_motion(i): df = pd.read_csv( TEST_DIR / "test_simulate" / f"test_apply_law_of_motion_{i}_in.csv", index_col=["identifier", "period"], ) optim_paras = yaml.safe_load( TEST_DIR.joinpath( "test_simulate", f"test_apply_law_of_motion_{i}_optim_paras.yaml" ).read_text() ) new_df = _apply_law_of_motion(df, optim_paras) expected = pd.read_csv( TEST_DIR / "test_simulate" / f"test_apply_law_of_motion_{i}_out.csv", index_col=["identifier", "period"], ) assert new_df.equals(expected)