Source code for respy.tests.test_replication_kw_94

"""Test replication of key results in [1]_ and [2]_.

For [1]_, we test the following replications:

- Table 6: Only means and standard deviations for the exact solution.

For [2]_, we test the following replications:

- Tables 2.1-2.3: Choice probabilities per period.

.. [1] Keane, M. P. and  Wolpin, K. I. (1994). `The Solution and Estimation of Discrete
       Choice Dynamic Programming Models by Simulation and Interpolation: Monte Carlo
       Evidence <>`__. *The Review of Economics and
       Statistics*, 76(4): 648-672.

.. [2] Keane, M. P. and  Wolpin, K. I. (1994b). `The Solution and Estimation of Discrete
       Choice Dynamic Programming Models by Simulation and Interpolation: Monte Carlo
       Evidence <
       interpolation-monte-carlo-evidence>`_. *Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis*, No.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest

import respy as rp
from respy.config import TEST_RESOURCES_DIR

[docs]pytestmark = pytest.mark.slow
@pytest.mark.end_to_end @pytest.mark.precise @pytest.mark.parametrize( "model, subsidy", [("kw_94_one", 500), ("kw_94_two", 1_000), ("kw_94_three", 2_000)]
[docs]) def test_table_6_exact_solution_row_mean_and_sd(model, subsidy): """Replicate the first two rows of Table 6 in Keane and Wolpin (1994). In more detail, the mean effects and the standard deviations of a 500, 1000, and 2000 dollar tuition subsidy on years of schooling and of experience in occupation a and occupation b based on 40 samples of 100 individuals using true parameters are tested. """ params, options = rp.get_example_model(model, with_data=False) options["simulation_agents"] = 4000 simulate = rp.get_simulate_func(params, options) df_wo_ts = simulate(params) params.loc[("nonpec_edu", "at_least_twelve_exp_edu"), "value"] += subsidy df_w_ts = simulate(params) columns = ["Bootstrap_Sample", "Experience_Edu", "Experience_A", "Experience_B"] # Calculate the statistics based on 40 bootstrap samples รก 100 individuals. # Assign bootstrap sample number. for df in [df_wo_ts, df_w_ts]: df["Bootstrap_Sample"] = pd.cut( df.index.get_level_values(0), bins=40, labels=np.arange(1, 41) ) # Calculate mean experiences. mean_exp_wo_ts = ( df_wo_ts.query("Period == 39")[columns].groupby("Bootstrap_Sample").mean() ) mean_exp_w_ts = ( df_w_ts.query("Period == 39")[columns].groupby("Bootstrap_Sample").mean() ) # Calculate bootstrap statistics. diff = ( mean_exp_w_ts.subtract(mean_exp_wo_ts) .assign(Data=model) .reset_index() .set_index(["Data", "Bootstrap_Sample"]) .stack() .unstack([0, 2]) ) rp_replication = diff.agg(["mean", "std"]) # Expected values are taken from Table 6 in the paper. kw_94_table_6 = pd.read_csv( TEST_RESOURCES_DIR / "kw_94_table_6.csv", index_col=0, header=[0, 1], nrows=2 ) # Test that standard deviations are very close. np.testing.assert_allclose( rp_replication[model].iloc[1], kw_94_table_6[model].iloc[1], atol=0.05 ) # Test that difference lies within one standard deviation. diff = ( rp_replication[model].iloc[0].to_numpy() - kw_94_table_6[model].iloc[0].to_numpy() ) assert (np.abs(diff) < kw_94_table_6[model].iloc[1]).all()
@pytest.mark.end_to_end @pytest.mark.precise @pytest.mark.parametrize( "model, table", zip( [f"kw_94_{model}" for model in ["one", "two", "three"]], [f"kw_94_wp_table_2_{i}.csv" for i in range(1, 4)],
[docs] ), ) def test_replication_of_choice_probabilities(model, table): """Replicate choice probabilities in Tables 2.1-2.3. in Keane and Wolpin (1994b). For each of the three parameterizations a data set is simulated and the choice probabilities for each period are compared to the numbers in the paper. """ # Get choice probabilities from paper. expected = pd.read_csv(TEST_RESOURCES_DIR / table, index_col="period") # Simulate data for choice probabilities with more individuals to stabilize choice # probabilities. Also, more draws in the solution for better approximation of EMAX. params, options = rp.get_example_model(model, with_data=False) options["simulated_agents"] = 10_000 simulate = rp.get_simulate_func(params, options) df = simulate(params) result = ( df.groupby("Period").Choice.value_counts(normalize=True).unstack().fillna(0) ) np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, result, atol=0.1)