Source code for respy.solve

"""Everything related to the solution of a structural model."""
import functools

import numpy as np

from respy.interpolate import kw_94_interpolation
from respy.parallelization import parallelize_across_dense_dimensions
from respy.pre_processing.model_processing import process_params_and_options
from respy.shared import calculate_expected_value_functions
from respy.shared import load_states
from respy.shared import pandas_dot
from respy.shared import select_valid_choices
from respy.shared import transform_base_draws_with_cholesky_factor
from respy.state_space import create_state_space_class

[docs]def get_solve_func(params, options): """Get the solve function. This function takes a model specification and returns the state space of the model along with components of the solution such as covariates, non-pecuniary rewards, wages, continuation values and expected value functions as attributes of the class. Parameters ---------- params : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing parameter series. options : dict Dictionary containing model attributes which are not optimized. Returns ------- solve : :func:`~respy.solve.solve` Function with partialed arguments. """ optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) state_space = create_state_space_class(optim_paras, options) solve_function = functools.partial(solve, options=options, state_space=state_space) return solve_function
[docs]def solve(params, options, state_space): """Solve the model.""" optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) wages, nonpecs = _create_choice_rewards( state_space.dense_key_to_complex, state_space.dense_key_to_choice_set, optim_paras, options, ) state_space.wages = wages state_space.nonpecs = nonpecs state_space = _solve_with_backward_induction(state_space, optim_paras, options) return state_space
[docs]def _create_choice_rewards(complex_, choice_set, optim_paras, options): """Create wage and non-pecuniary reward for each state and choice. In particular the function retrieves dense period choice cores with all covariates (they have aready been calculated in the construction of the state space) from disk. Thereafter the function obtains rewards for choices for each state based on the pre calculated covariates. Returns ---------- wages : np.array Array with dimensions n_states x n_choices. Contains all wages for a particular state choice combination within a dense period choice core. nonpecs : np.array Array with dimensions n_states x n_choices. Contains all nonpecs for a particular state choice combination within a dense period choice core. """ n_choices = sum(choice_set) choices = select_valid_choices(optim_paras["choices"], choice_set) states = load_states(complex_, options) n_states = states.shape[0] wages = np.ones((n_states, n_choices)) nonpecs = np.zeros((n_states, n_choices)) for i, choice in enumerate(choices): if f"wage_{choice}" in optim_paras: log_wage = pandas_dot(states, optim_paras[f"wage_{choice}"]) wages[:, i] = np.exp(log_wage) if f"nonpec_{choice}" in optim_paras: nonpecs[:, i] = pandas_dot(states, optim_paras[f"nonpec_{choice}"]) return wages, nonpecs
[docs]def _solve_with_backward_induction(state_space, optim_paras, options): """Calculate utilities with backward induction. The expected value functions in one period are only computed by interpolation if: 1. Interpolation is requested. 2. If there are more states in the period than interpolation points. 3. If there are at least two interpolation points per `dense_index`. Parameters ---------- state_space : :class:`~respy.state_space.StateSpace` State space of the model which is not solved yet. optim_paras : dict Parsed model parameters affected by the optimization. options : dict Optimization independent model options. Returns ------- state_space : :class:`~respy.state_space.StateSpace` """ n_periods = options["n_periods"] draws_emax_risk = transform_base_draws_with_cholesky_factor( state_space.base_draws_sol, state_space.dense_key_to_choice_set, optim_paras["shocks_cholesky"], optim_paras, ) for period in reversed(range(n_periods)): dense_indices_in_period = state_space.get_dense_keys_from_period(period) period_draws_emax_risk = { dense_index: draws_emax_risk[dense_index] for dense_index in dense_indices_in_period } n_states_in_period = sum( len(state_space.dense_key_to_core_indices[dense_index]) for dense_index in dense_indices_in_period ) # See docstring for note on interpolation. any_interpolated = options[ "interpolation_points" ] < n_states_in_period and options["interpolation_points"] >= 2 * len( dense_indices_in_period ) # Handle myopic individuals. if optim_paras["delta"] == 0: period_expected_value_functions = {k: 0 for k in dense_indices_in_period} elif any_interpolated: period_expected_value_functions = kw_94_interpolation( state_space, period_draws_emax_risk, period, optim_paras, options ) else: wages = state_space.get_attribute_from_period("wages", period) nonpecs = state_space.get_attribute_from_period("nonpecs", period) continuation_values = state_space.get_continuation_values(period) period_expected_value_functions = _full_solution( wages, nonpecs, continuation_values, period_draws_emax_risk, optim_paras ) state_space.set_attribute_from_keys( "expected_value_functions", period_expected_value_functions ) return state_space
[docs]def _full_solution( wages, nonpecs, continuation_values, period_draws_emax_risk, optim_paras ): """Calculate the full solution of the model. In contrast to approximate solution, the Monte Carlo integration is done for each state and not only a subset of states. Returns ---------- period_expected_value_functions: np.array Array containing expected value function for each state. """ period_expected_value_functions = calculate_expected_value_functions( wages, nonpecs, continuation_values, period_draws_emax_risk, optim_paras["delta"], ) return period_expected_value_functions