Source code for respy.pre_processing.model_processing

"""Process model specification files or objects."""
import copy
import itertools
import os
import re
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from estimagic.optimization.utilities import chol_params_to_lower_triangular_matrix
from estimagic.optimization.utilities import cov_params_to_matrix
from estimagic.optimization.utilities import robust_cholesky
from estimagic.optimization.utilities import sdcorr_params_to_matrix

from respy.config import DEFAULT_OPTIONS
from respy.config import MAX_FLOAT
from respy.config import MIN_FLOAT
from respy.config import SEED_STARTUP_ITERATION_GAP
from respy.pre_processing.model_checking import validate_options
from respy.pre_processing.model_checking import validate_params
from respy.pre_processing.process_covariates import remove_irrelevant_covariates
from respy.pre_processing.process_covariates import (
from respy.shared import normalize_probabilities

warnings.simplefilter("error", category=pd.errors.PerformanceWarning)

[docs]def process_params_and_options(params, options): """Process `params` and `options`. This function is interface for parsing the model specification given by the user. """ options = _read_options(options) params = _read_params(params) options = {**DEFAULT_OPTIONS, **options} options = _create_internal_seeds_from_user_seeds(options) options = remove_irrelevant_covariates(options, params) options = _parse_cache_directory(options) validate_options(options) optim_paras = _parse_parameters(params, options) optim_paras, options = _sync_optim_paras_and_options(optim_paras, options) validate_params(params, optim_paras) return optim_paras, options
[docs]def _read_options(dict_or_path): """Read the options which can either be a dictionary or a path.""" if isinstance(dict_or_path, Path): options = yaml.safe_load(dict_or_path.read_text()) elif isinstance(dict_or_path, dict): options = copy.deepcopy(dict_or_path) else: raise TypeError("options must be pathlib.Path or dictionary.") return options
[docs]def _create_internal_seeds_from_user_seeds(options): """Create internal seeds from user input. Instead of reusing the same seed, we use sequences of seeds incrementing by one. It ensures that we do not accidentally draw the same randomness twice. As naive sequences started by the seeds given by the user might be overlapping, the user seeds are used to generate seeds within certain ranges. The seed for the - solution is between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000. - simulation is between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000. - likelihood estimation is between 7,000,000 and 8,000,000. Furthermore, we need to sequences of seeds. The first sequence is for building :func:`~respy.simulate.simulate` or :func:`~respy.likelihood.log_like` where `"startup"` seeds are used to generate the draws. The second sequence start at ``seed_start + SEED_STARTUP_ITERATION_GAP`` and has to be reset to the initial value at the beginning of every iteration. See :ref:`randomness-and-reproducibility` for more information. Examples -------- >>> options = {"solution_seed": 1, "simulation_seed": 2, "estimation_seed": 3} >>> options = _create_internal_seeds_from_user_seeds(options) >>> options["solution_seed_startup"], options["solution_seed_iteration"] (count(1128037), count(2128037)) >>> options["simulation_seed_startup"], options["simulation_seed_iteration"] (count(4875688), count(5875688)) >>> options["estimation_seed_startup"], options["estimation_seed_iteration"] (count(7071530), count(8071530)) """ seeds = [f"{key}_seed" for key in ["solution", "simulation", "estimation"]] # Check that two seeds are not equal. Otherwise, raise warning. if (np.bincount([options[seed] for seed in seeds]) > 1).any(): warnings.warn("All seeds should be different.", category=UserWarning) for seed, start, end in zip( seeds, [1_000_000, 4_000_000, 7_000_000], [2_000_000, 5_000_000, 8_000_000] ): np.random.seed(options[seed]) seed_startup = np.random.randint(start, end) options[f"{seed}_startup"] = itertools.count(seed_startup) seed_iteration = seed_startup + SEED_STARTUP_ITERATION_GAP options[f"{seed}_iteration"] = itertools.count(seed_iteration) return options
[docs]def _read_params(df_or_series): """Read the parameters which can either be a path, a Series, or a DataFrame.""" if isinstance(df_or_series, Path): df_or_series = pd.read_csv(df_or_series) else: df_or_series.copy() if isinstance(df_or_series, pd.DataFrame): if not df_or_series.index.names == ["category", "name"]: df_or_series = df_or_series.set_index(["category", "name"]) params = df_or_series["value"] elif isinstance(df_or_series, pd.Series): params = df_or_series assert params.index.names == ["category", "name"], "params has wrong index." else: raise TypeError("params must be Path, pd.DataFrame or pd.Series.") return params
[docs]def _parse_parameters(params, options): """Parse the parameter vector into a dictionary of model quantities.""" optim_paras = {"delta": params.loc[("delta", "delta")]} optim_paras = _parse_present_bias_parameter(optim_paras, params) optim_paras = _parse_observables(optim_paras, params) optim_paras = _parse_choices(optim_paras, params, options) optim_paras = _parse_choice_parameters(optim_paras, params) optim_paras = _parse_initial_and_max_experience(optim_paras, params, options) optim_paras = _parse_shocks(optim_paras, params) optim_paras = _parse_measurement_errors(optim_paras, params) optim_paras = _parse_types(optim_paras, params) optim_paras = _parse_lagged_choices(optim_paras, options, params) return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_present_bias_parameter(optim_paras, params): """Parse present-bias parameter which is 1 by default. Examples -------- An example where present-bias parameter is specified: >>> tuples = [("beta", "beta")] >>> index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["category", "name"]) >>> params = pd.Series(data=0.4, index=index) >>> optim_paras = {"delta": 0.95} >>> _parse_present_bias_parameter(optim_paras, params) {'delta': 0.95, 'beta': 0.4, 'beta_delta': 0.38} And one where present-bias parameter is not specified: >>> params = pd.Series(dtype="float64") >>> optim_paras = {"delta": 0.95} >>> _parse_present_bias_parameter(optim_paras, params) {'delta': 0.95, 'beta': 1, 'beta_delta': 0.95} """ beta = params.get(("beta", "beta"), 1) optim_paras["beta"] = beta optim_paras["beta_delta"] = beta * optim_paras["delta"] return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_observables(optim_paras, params): """Parse observed variables and their levels.""" optim_paras["observables"] = {} names = _parse_observable_or_exog_process_names(params, "observable") for observable in names: regex_pattern = fr"\bobservable_{observable}_([0-9a-z_]+)\b" parsed_parameters = _parse_probabilities_or_logit_coefficients( params, regex_pattern ) optim_paras["observables"][observable] = parsed_parameters return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_choices(optim_paras, params, options): """Define unique order of choices. This function defines a unique order of choices. Choices can be separated in choices with experience and wage, with experience but without wage and without experience and wage. This distinction is used to create a unique ordering of choices. Within each group, we order alphabetically. """ # Be careful with `choices_w_exp_fuzzy` as it contains some erroneous elements, # e.g., `"a_squared"` from the covariate `"exp_a_squared"`. choices_w_exp_fuzzy = set(_infer_choices_with_experience(params, options)) choices_w_wage = set(_infer_choices_with_prefix(params, "wage")) choices_w_nonpec = set(_infer_choices_with_prefix(params, "nonpec")) choices_w_exp_wo_wage = (choices_w_exp_fuzzy & choices_w_nonpec) - choices_w_wage choices_wo_exp_wo_wage = choices_w_nonpec - choices_w_exp_fuzzy optim_paras["choices_w_wage"] = sorted(choices_w_wage) optim_paras["choices_w_exp"] = sorted(choices_w_wage) + sorted( choices_w_exp_wo_wage ) optim_paras["choices_wo_exp"] = sorted(choices_wo_exp_wo_wage) # Dictionaries are insertion ordered since Python 3.6+. order = optim_paras["choices_w_exp"] + optim_paras["choices_wo_exp"] optim_paras["choices"] = {choice: {} for choice in order} return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_choice_parameters(optim_paras, params): """Parse utility parameters for choices.""" for choice in optim_paras["choices"]: if f"wage_{choice}" in params.index: optim_paras[f"wage_{choice}"] = params.loc[f"wage_{choice}"] if f"nonpec_{choice}" in params.index: optim_paras[f"nonpec_{choice}"] = params.loc[f"nonpec_{choice}"] return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_initial_and_max_experience(optim_paras, params, options): """Process initial experience distributions and maximum experience.""" for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_exp"]: regex_for_levels = fr"\binitial_exp_{choice}_([0-9]+)\b" parsed_parameters = _parse_probabilities_or_logit_coefficients( params, regex_for_levels ) if parsed_parameters is None: parsed_parameters = {0: pd.Series(index=["constant"], data=0)} optim_paras["choices"][choice]["start"] = parsed_parameters default_max = max(parsed_parameters) + options["n_periods"] - 1 max_ = int(params.get(("maximum_exp", choice), default_max)) optim_paras["choices"][choice]["max"] = max_ return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_shocks(optim_paras, params): """Parse the shock parameters and create the Cholesky factor.""" if sum(f"shocks_{i}" in params.index for i in ["sdcorr", "cov", "chol"]) >= 2: raise ValueError("It is not allowed to define multiple shock matrices.") elif "shocks_sdcorr" in params.index: cov = sdcorr_params_to_matrix(params.loc["shocks_sdcorr"]) optim_paras["shocks_cholesky"] = robust_cholesky(cov) elif "shocks_cov" in params.index: cov = cov_params_to_matrix(params.loc["shocks_cov"]) optim_paras["shocks_cholesky"] = robust_cholesky(cov) elif "shocks_chol" in params.index: optim_paras["shocks_cholesky"] = chol_params_to_lower_triangular_matrix( params.loc["shocks_chol"] ) else: raise KeyError("No shock matrix is specified.") return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_measurement_errors(optim_paras, params): """Parse the standard deviations of measurement errors. Measurement errors can be provided for all or none choices with wages. Measurement errors for non-wage choices are neglected. `optim_paras["has_meas_error"]` is only False if there are no standard deviations of measurement errors in `params`, not if they are all zero. Otherwise, we would introduce a kink into the likelihood function. """ meas_error = np.zeros(len(optim_paras["choices"])) if "meas_error" in params.index: optim_paras["has_meas_error"] = True labels = [f"sd_{choice}" for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_wage"]] indices = list(itertools.product(["meas_error"], labels)) try: # Using indices without the list comprehension raises only a warning for # `pandas < 1.`. meas_error[: len(labels)] = [params.loc[idx] for idx in indices] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( "Standard deviations of measurement error have to be provided for all " "or none of the choices with wages." ) from e else: optim_paras["has_meas_error"] = False optim_paras["meas_error"] = meas_error return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_types(optim_paras, params): """Parse type shifts and type parameters. It is not explicitly enforced that all types have the same covariates, but it is implicitly enforced that the parameters form a valid matrix. """ if "type_0" in params.index.get_level_values("category"): raise ValueError( "'type_0' cannot be used to specify the probability mass function of types " "as it has to be zero such that all parameters are identified." ) if "type_0" in params.index.get_level_values("name"): raise ValueError( "'type_0' cannot be used as a utility covariate as it must be zero due to " "normalization. All other types are expressed in relation to the first." ) n_types = _infer_number_of_types(params) if n_types >= 2: # Parse type probabilities. parsed_parameters = _parse_probabilities_or_logit_coefficients( params, r"\btype_([0-9]+)\b" ) parsed_parameters = {k: v for k, v in parsed_parameters.items()} default = {i: pd.Series(data=[0], index=["constant"]) for i in range(n_types)} optim_paras["type_prob"] = {**default, **parsed_parameters} # Parse type covariates which makes estimation via maximum likelihood faster. optim_paras["type_covariates"] = { cov for level_dict in optim_paras["type_prob"].values() for cov in level_dict.index } optim_paras["n_types"] = n_types return optim_paras
[docs]def _infer_number_of_types(params): """Infer the number of types from parameters which is zero by default. Examples -------- An example without types: >>> tuples = [("wage_a", "constant"), ("nonpec_edu", "exp_edu")] >>> index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["category", "name"]) >>> s = pd.Series(index=index, dtype="object") >>> _infer_number_of_types(s) 1 And one with types: >>> tuples = [("wage_a", "type_3"), ("nonpec_edu", "type_2")] >>> index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["category", "name"]) >>> s = pd.Series(index=index, dtype="object") >>> _infer_number_of_types(s) 4 """ n_types = ( params.index.get_level_values("name") .str.extract(r"\btype_([0-9]+)\b", expand=False) .fillna(0) .astype(int) .max() + 1 ) return n_types
[docs]def _infer_choices_with_experience(params, options): """Infer choices with experiences. Examples -------- >>> options = {"covariates": {"a": "exp_white_collar + exp_a", "b": "exp_b >= 2"}} >>> index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([["category"], ["a", "b"]]) >>> params = pd.Series(index=index, dtype="object") >>> _infer_choices_with_experience(params, options) ['a', 'b', 'white_collar'] """ covariates = options["covariates"] parameters = params.index.get_level_values(1) used_covariates = [cov for cov in covariates if cov in parameters] matches = [] for param in parameters: matches += re.findall(r"\bexp_([A-Za-z_]+)\b", str(param)) for cov in used_covariates: matches += re.findall(r"\bexp_([A-Za-z_]+)\b", covariates[cov]) return sorted(set(matches))
[docs]def _infer_choices_with_prefix(params, prefix): """Infer choices with prefix. Examples -------- >>> params = pd.Series( ... index=["wage_b", "wage_white_collar", "wage_a", "nonpec_c"], dtype="object" ... ) >>> _infer_choices_with_prefix(params, "wage") ['a', 'b', 'white_collar'] """ return sorted( params.index.get_level_values(0) .str.extract(fr"\b{prefix}_([A-Za-z_]+)\b", expand=False)
.dropna() .unique() )
[docs]def _parse_lagged_choices(optim_paras, options, params): """Parse lagged choices from covariates and params. Lagged choices can only influence behavior of individuals through covariates of the utility function. Thus, check the covariates for any patterns like `"lagged_choice_[0-9]+"`. Then, compare the number of lags required by covariates with the information on lagged choices in the parameter specification. For the estimation, there does not have to be any information on lagged choices. For the simulation, we need parameters to define the probability of a choice being the lagged choice. Warnings -------- UserWarning If not enough lagged choices are specified in params and the model can only be used for estimation. UserWarning If the model contains superfluous definitions of lagged choices. """ regex_pattern = r"lagged_choice_([0-9]+)" # First, infer the number of lags from all covariates. covariates = options["covariates"] matches = [] for cov in covariates: matches += re.findall(regex_pattern, covariates[cov]) n_lc_covariates = 0 if not matches else pd.to_numeric(matches).max() # Second, infer the number of lags defined in params. matches_params = list( params.index.get_level_values("category") .str.extract(regex_pattern, expand=False) .dropna() .unique() ) lc_params = [0] if not matches_params else pd.to_numeric(matches_params) n_lc_params = max(lc_params) # Check whether there is a discrepancy between the maximum number of lags specified # in covariates or params. if n_lc_covariates > n_lc_params: warnings.warn( "The distribution of initial lagged choices is insufficiently specified in " f"the parameters. Covariates require {n_lc_covariates} lagged choices and " f"parameters define {n_lc_params}. Missing lags have equiprobable choices.", category=UserWarning, ) elif n_lc_covariates < n_lc_params: warnings.warn( "The parameters contain superfluous information on lagged choices. The " f"covariates require {n_lc_covariates} lags whereas parameters provide " f"information on {n_lc_params} lags. Superfluous lags are ignored.", category=UserWarning, ) else: pass optim_paras["n_lagged_choices"] = n_lc_covariates # Add existing lagged choice parameters to ``optim_paras``. for lag in range(1, n_lc_covariates + 1): parsed_parameters = _parse_probabilities_or_logit_coefficients( params, fr"lagged_choice_{lag}_([A-Za-z_]+)" ) # If there are no parameters for the specific lag, assume equiprobable choices. if parsed_parameters is None: parsed_parameters = { choice: pd.Series(index=["constant"], data=0) for choice in optim_paras["choices"] } # If there are parameters, put zero probability on missing choices. else: defaults = { choice: pd.Series(index=["constant"], data=MIN_FLOAT) for choice in optim_paras["choices"] } parsed_parameters = {**defaults, **parsed_parameters} optim_paras[f"lagged_choice_{lag}"] = parsed_parameters return optim_paras
[docs]def _parse_probabilities_or_logit_coefficients(params, regex_for_levels): r"""Parse probabilities or logit coefficients of parameter groups. Some parameters form a group to specify a distribution. The parameters can either be probabilities from a probability mass function. For example, see the specification of initial years of schooling in the extended model of Keane and Wolpin (1997). On the other hand, parameters and their corresponding covariates can form the inputs of a :func:`scipy.special.softmax` which generates the probability mass function. This distribution can be more complex. Internally, probabilities are also converted to logit coefficients to align the interfaces. To convert probabilities to the appropriate multinomial logit (softmax) coefficients, use a constant for covariates and note that the sum in the denominator is equal for all probabilities and, thus, can be treated as a constant. The following formula shows that the multinomial coefficients which produce the same probability mass function are equal to the logs of probabilities. .. math:: p_i &= \frac{e^{x_i \beta_i}}{\sum_j e^{x_j \beta_j}} \\ &= \frac{e^{\beta_i}}{\sum_j e^{\beta_j}} \\ log(p_i) &= \beta_i - \log(\sum_j e^{\beta_j}) \\ &= \beta_i - C Raises ------ ValueError If probabilities and multinomial logit coefficients are mixed. Warnings -------- The user is warned if the discrete probabilities of a probability mass function do not sum to one. """ mask = ( params.index.get_level_values("category") .str.extract(regex_for_levels, expand=False) .notna() ) n_parameters = mask.sum() # If parameters for initial experiences are specified, the parameters can either # be probabilities or multinomial logit coefficients. if n_parameters: # Work on subset. sub = params.loc[mask].copy() levels = sub.index.get_level_values("category").str.extract( regex_for_levels, expand=False ) levels = pd.to_numeric(levels, errors="ignore") unique_levels = sorted(levels.unique()) n_probabilities = (sub.index.get_level_values("name") == "probability").sum() # It is allowed to specify the shares of initial experiences as # probabilities. Then, the probabilities are replaced with their logs to # recover the probabilities with a multinomial logit model. if n_probabilities == len(unique_levels) == n_parameters: if sub.sum() != 1: warnings.warn( f"The probabilities for parameter group {regex_for_levels} do not " "sum to one.", category=UserWarning, ) sub = normalize_probabilities(sub) # Clip at the smallest representable number to prevent -infinity for log(0). sub = np.log(np.clip(sub, 1 / MAX_FLOAT, None)) sub = sub.rename(index={"probability": "constant"}, level="name") elif n_probabilities > 0: raise ValueError( "Cannot mix probabilities and multinomial logit coefficients for the " f"parameter group: {regex_for_levels}." ) # Drop level 'category' from :class:`pd.MultiIndex`. s = sub.droplevel(axis="index", level="category") # Insert parameters for every level of initial experiences. container = {level: s.loc[levels == level] for level in unique_levels} # If no parameters are provided, return `None` so that the default is handled # outside the function. else: container = None return container
[docs]def _parse_observable_or_exog_process_names(params, keyword): """Parse the names of observables or exogenous processes. The function accepts `params` and a `keyword` like `observable` and separates the name of the variables from its possible realizations. Parameters ---------- params : pandas.Series Contains the parameters of a model. keyword : {"exogenous_process", "observable"} Keyword for a group of parameters. Examples -------- >>> index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ... ("observable_observable_0_first", "probability"), ... ("observable_observable_0_second", "probability"), ... ("observable_observable_1_first", "probability"), ... ("observable_observable_1_second", "probability"), ... ("observable_children_two_or_less", "probability"), ... ("observable_children_more_than_two", "probability"), ... ], names=["category", "name"]) >>> params = pd.Series(index=index, dtype="object") >>> _parse_observable_or_exog_process_names(params, "observable") ['children', 'observable_0', 'observable_1'] """ mask = params.index.get_level_values("category").str.startswith(f"{keyword}_") categories = ( params[mask] .index.get_level_values("category") .str.replace(f"{keyword}_", "", n=1) ) prefixes = { os.path.commonprefix([a, b]) for a, b in itertools.combinations(categories, 2) } # Remove trailing underscores and empty strings. prefixes = {prefix[:-1] for prefix in prefixes if prefix} # Remove substrings. If a prefix is in any other prefix, remove it from the set. substrings = {a for a, b in itertools.permutations(prefixes, 2) if a in b} prefixes = sorted(prefixes - substrings) # Check whether not as many names n_matched_params = np.any( [categories.str.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes], axis=0 ).sum() if mask.sum() != n_matched_params: raise ValueError( "Observables and exogenous processes must have at least two values." ) return prefixes
[docs]def _sync_optim_paras_and_options(optim_paras, options): """Sync ``optim_paras`` and ``options`` after they have been parsed separately.""" optim_paras["n_periods"] = options["n_periods"] options = _add_type_covariates(options, optim_paras) options = _add_default_is_inadmissible(options, optim_paras) options = _convert_labels_in_formulas_to_codes(options, optim_paras) options = separate_covariates_into_core_dense_mixed(options, optim_paras) return optim_paras, options
[docs]def _add_type_covariates(options, optim_paras): """Add type covariates. Since types only introduce constant shifts in the utility functions, this function conveniently adds covariates for each type by default. Examples -------- >>> options = {"covariates": {}} >>> optim_paras = {"n_types": 2} >>> _add_type_covariates(options, optim_paras) {'covariates': {'type_1': 'type == 1'}} """ if optim_paras["n_types"] >= 2: type_covariates = { f"type_{i}": f"type == {i}" for i in range(1, optim_paras["n_types"]) } options["covariates"] = {**options["covariates"], **type_covariates} return options
[docs]def _add_default_is_inadmissible(options, optim_paras): """Add default negative choice set constraints. This function adds negative choice set conditions based on maximum experience and no constraints for choices without experience. """ negative_choice_set = options["negative_choice_set"] for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_exp"]: max_init_exp = max(optim_paras["choices"][choice]["start"]) max_exp = optim_paras["choices"][choice]["max"] formula = ( f"exp_{choice} == {max_exp}" if max_exp < optim_paras["n_periods"] - 1 + max_init_exp else "False" ) formulas = negative_choice_set.get(choice, []) negative_choice_set[choice] = formulas + [formula] for choice in optim_paras["choices_wo_exp"]: negative_choice_set[choice] = negative_choice_set.get(choice, ["False"]) return options
[docs]def _convert_labels_in_formulas_to_codes(options, optim_paras): """Convert labels in covariates, filters and inadmissible formulas to codes. Characteristics with labels are either choices or observables. Choices are ordered as in ``optim_paras["choices"]`` and observables alphabetically. Labels can either be in single or double quote strings which has to be checked. """ for covariate, formula in options["covariates"].items(): options["covariates"][covariate] = _replace_choices_and_observables_in_formula( formula, optim_paras ) options = _convert_labels_in_filters_to_codes(optim_paras, options) for choice in optim_paras["choices"]: for i, formula in enumerate(options["negative_choice_set"].get(choice, [])): options["negative_choice_set"][choice][ i ] = _replace_choices_and_observables_in_formula(formula, optim_paras) return options
[docs]def _replace_in_single_or_double_quotes(val, from_, to): """Replace a value in a string enclosed in single or double quotes.""" return val.replace(f"'{from_}'", f"{to}").replace(f'"{from_}"', f"{to}")
[docs]def _replace_choices_and_observables_in_formula(formula, optim_paras): """Replace choices and observables in formula. Choices and levels of an observable can have string identifier which are replaced with their codes. """ observables = optim_paras["observables"] for i, choice in enumerate(optim_paras["choices"]): formula = _replace_in_single_or_double_quotes(formula, choice, i) for observable in observables: for i, obs in enumerate(observables[observable]): if isinstance(obs, str): formula = _replace_in_single_or_double_quotes(formula, obs, i) return formula
[docs]def _convert_labels_in_filters_to_codes(optim_paras, options): """Convert labels in `"core_state_space_filters"` to codes. The filters are used to remove states from the state space which are inadmissible anyway. A filter might look like this:: "lagged_choice_1 == '{choice_w_wage}' and exp_{choice_w_wage} == 0" `{choice_w_wage}` is replaced by the actual choice name whereas `'{choice_w_wage}'` or `"{choice_w_wage}"` is replaced with the internal choice code. """ filters = [] for filter_ in options["core_state_space_filters"]: if any(fltr in filter_ for fltr in ["{i}", "{j}", "{k}"]): raise ValueError( "Please update your model options under negative_choice_set. Replace " "{i} with {choices_w_exp}, {j} with {choices_wo_exp}, and {k} with " "{choices_w_wage}." ) # If "{choices_w_exp}" is in filter_, loop over choices with experiences. if "{choices_w_exp}" in filter_: for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_exp"]: fltr_ = filter_.replace("{choices_w_exp}", choice) fltr_ = _replace_choices_and_observables_in_formula(fltr_, optim_paras) filters.append(fltr_) # If "{choices_wo_exp}" is in filter_, loop over choices without experiences. elif "{choices_wo_exp}" in filter_: for choice in optim_paras["choices_wo_exp"]: fltr = filter_.replace("{choices_wo_exp}", choice) fltr = _replace_choices_and_observables_in_formula(fltr, optim_paras) filters.append(fltr) # If "{choices_w_wage}" is in filter_, loop over choices with wage. elif "{choices_w_wage}" in filter_: for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_wage"]: fltr = filter_.replace("{choices_w_wage}", choice) fltr = _replace_choices_and_observables_in_formula(fltr, optim_paras) filters.append(fltr) else: filter_ = _replace_choices_and_observables_in_formula(filter_, optim_paras) filters.append(filter_) options["core_state_space_filters"] = filters return options
[docs]def _parse_cache_directory(options): """Parse the location of the cache.""" path = Path(options.get("state_space_path", ".respy")) if not path.is_absolute(): path = Path.cwd() / path if != ".respy": path = path / ".respy" options["state_space_path"] = path return options