Source code for

"""Everything related to the original data from Keane and Wolpin (1997)."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from respy import shared as rp_shared
from respy.config import TEST_RESOURCES_DIR
from respy.pre_processing.model_processing import process_params_and_options

[docs]def _create_working_experience(df, optim_paras): for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_wage"]: df[f"Experience_{choice.title()}"] = df.Choice.eq(choice) df[f"Experience_{choice.title()}"] = ( df.groupby("Identifier")[f"Experience_{choice.title()}"] .shift() .fillna(0) .astype(np.uint8) ) df[f"Experience_{choice.title()}"] = df.groupby("Identifier")[ f"Experience_{choice.title()}" ].cumsum() return df
[docs]def create_kw_97(params, options): """Create data for Keane and Wolpin (1997). The data includes individuals labor market history and accumulated experiences in white-collar, blue-collar occupations, military and schooling. """ optim_paras, options = process_params_and_options(params, options) dtypes = { "Identifier":, "Age":, "Experience_School": np.uint8, "Choice": "category", "Wage": np.float, } df = pd.read_csv( TEST_RESOURCES_DIR / "kw_97_data.csv", dtype=dtypes, float_precision="high" ) df.Identifier = df.groupby("Identifier").ngroup().astype(np.uint16) codes_to_choices = { "3": "white_collar", "4": "blue_collar", "5": "military", "1": "school", "2": "home", } df.Choice = codes_to_choices ) df = _create_working_experience(df, optim_paras) df["Lagged_Choice_1"] = df.groupby("Identifier").Choice.shift(1) df["Period"] = df.Age - 16 df = df.query("Age >= 16") cd_dict = rp_shared.generate_column_dtype_dict_for_estimation(optim_paras) df = df[cd_dict].set_index(["Identifier", "Period"]) return df