.. _parameterization: Parameterization ================ .. raw:: html
To Explanation

The following table keeps track of the parameterization for the computational implementation introduced in Computational Implementation

The wildcard {civilian} means either "blue" or "white". .. csv-table:: Table of Parameterization :header: "Parameter", "State variable in **respy**", "Explanation" :widths: 20, 35, 45 ":math:`\delta`", "delta", "discount factor" ":math:`e_{1,a}`", "type_1", "deviation for type 1 from type 0 in a" ":math:`e_{2,a}`", "type_2", "deviation for type 2 from type 0 in a" ":math:`e_{3,a}`", "type_3", "deviation for type 3 from type 0 in a" "", "**Common parameters**", "" ":math:`\alpha_a`", "constant", "log of rental price if the base skill endowment of type 0 is normalized to 0 (wage)" ":math:`\vartheta_1`", "common_hs_graduate", "common return to high school degree (non pecuniary)" ":math:`\vartheta_2`", "common_co_graduate", "common return to college degree (non pecuniary)" ":math:`\vartheta_3`", "common_hs_graduate", "effect of leaving the military early (after one year)" "", "**Schooling-related**", "" ":math:`\beta_{a,1}`", "exp_school", "linear return to an additional year of schooling (wage)" ":math:`\beta_{a,2}`", "exp_school", "skill premium of having finished high school (wage)" ":math:`\beta_{a,3}`", "exp_school", "skill premium of having finished college (wage)" ":math:`\beta_{tc_1}`", "hs_graduate", "net tuition costs college (non pecuniary)" ":math:`\beta_{tc_2}`", "co_graduate", "additional tuition costs graduate school (non pecuniary)" ":math:`\beta_{rc_1}`", "returns_to_high_school", "reward for going back to high school" ":math:`\beta_{rc_2}`", "returns_to_college", "reward for going back to college" "", "**Experience-related**", "" ":math:`\gamma_{a,1}`", "exp_{civilian}_collar", "return to experience, same sector, linear (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{a,2}`", "exp_{civilian}_collar_square", "return to experience, same sector, quadratic (divided by 100) (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{a,3}`", "any_exp_{civilian}_collar", "return for any experience in same sector" ":math:`\gamma_{a,4}`", "period", "linear age effect (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{a,5}`", "is_minor", "effect of being a minor (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{a,6}`", "work_{civilian}_collar_lagged", "effect of being a minor (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{a,7}`", "exp_{civilian}_collar", "return to experience, other civilian sector, linear (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{3,1}`", "exp_military", "return to experience, same sector, linear (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{3,2}`", "exp_military_square", "return to experience, same sector, quadratic (divided by 100) (wage)" ":math:`\gamma_{3,3}`", "any_exp_military", "return to having any military experience" ":math:`\gamma_{3,4}`", "period", "linear age effect" ":math:`\gamma_{3,5}`", "is_minor", "effect of being a minor" ":math:`\gamma_{4,4}`", "period", "linear age effect" ":math:`\gamma_{4,5}`", "is_minor", "effect of being a minor" ":math:`\gamma_{5,4}`", "is_young_adult", "additional value of staying home if aged 18-20" ":math:`\gamma_{5,5}`", "is_adult", "additional value of staying home if 21 or older" "", "**Mobility and search**", "" ":math:`c_{a,1}`", "not_exp_{civilian}_collar_lagged", "reward of switching to a from other occupation (non pecuniary)" ":math:`c_{a,2}`", "not_any_exp_{civilian}_collar", "reward of working in a for the first time (non pecuniary)" ":math:`c_{3,2}`", "not_any_exp_military", "reward of being in the military sector for the first time (non pecuniary)"