.. _explanations: Explanations ============ Explanations help you deepen your knowledge on the concepts and topics behind **respy**. This section provides an theoretical outline of the class of economic models that can be implemented using **respy** and points you towards further literature to deepen your understanding. .. raw:: html

Modeling Framework

The explanations below showcase what type of economic models **respy** can be applied to using the example of Keane and Wolpin (1997, :cite:`Keane.1997`), which constitutes not only a seminal contribution to labor economic and structural econometric literature, but also served as one of the foundation stones in **respy**'s design and construction. The guides can therefore serve as inspiration for specifying your own model with **respy**. .. raw:: html

Additional Information

Find a short outline of a related model frequently encountered in the documentation, a bibliography of the literature mentioned in the explanations, and a glossary of terms found throughout the **respy** documentation. .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 introduction recommended_reading economic_model mathematical_framework computational_implementation calibration parameterization notation implementation_kw94 bib glossary