.. _economic_model: Economic Model ============== .. role:: boldblue To illustrate the usage of **respy** in solving :boldblue:`finite-horizon discrete choice dynamic programming` (DCDP) problems we will present the basic setup of the human capital model as conceptualized in Keane and Wolpin (1997, :cite:`Keane.1997`). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. rst-class:: centerblue The promise: **respy** will become your preferred tool to develop, solve, estimate, and explore models within the EKW framework -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At time t = 1,...,T each individual observes the state of the economic environment :math:`s_{t} \in \mathcal{S}_t` and chooses an action :math:`a_t` from the set of admissible actions :math:`\mathcal{A}`. The decision has two consequences: - Individuals receive per-period utility :math:`u_a(\cdot)` associated with the chosen alternative :math:`a_t \in \mathcal{A}`. [#]_ - The economy evolves from :math:`s_{t}` to :math:`s_{t+1}`. Individuals are :boldblue:`forward-looking` and so do not simply choose the alternative with the highest immediate per-period utility. Instead, they take future consequences of their actions into account and implement a :boldblue:`policy` :math:`\pi \equiv (a_1^{\pi}(s_1), \dots, a_T^{\pi}(s_T))`. A policy is a collection of :boldblue:`decision rules` :math:`a_t^{\pi}(s_t)` that prescribe an action for any possible state :math:`s_t`. The implementation of a policy generates a sequence of per-period utilities that depends on the :boldblue:`objective transition probability distribution` :math:`p_t(s_t, a_t)` for the evolution of state :math:`s_{t}` to :math:`s_{t+1}` induced by the model. Individuals entertain :boldblue:`rational expectations` (Muth, 1961, :cite:`Muth.1961`) so their subjective beliefs about the future agree with the objective transition probabilities of the model. :ref:`timing_events` depicts the timing of events in the model for two generic periods. At the beginning of period t, an individual fully learns about the immediate per-period utility of each alternative, chooses one of them, and receives its immediate utility. Then the state evolves from :math:`s_t` to :math:`s_{t+1}` and the process is repeated in :math:`t+1`. .. _timing_events: .. figure:: ../_static/images/timing_events.svg :width: 650 :alt: Illustration timing of events Timing of events Individuals face :boldblue:`uncertainty` (Gilboa, 2009, :cite:`Gilboa.2009`) and discount future per-period utilities by an exponential discount factor :math:`0 < \delta < 1` that parameterizes their time preference. Per-period utilities are time-separable (Samuelson, 1937, :cite:`Samuelson.1937`). Given an initial state :math:`s_1` individuals implement the policy :math:`\pi` from the set of all feasible policies :math:`\Pi` that :boldblue:`maximizes the expected total discounted utilities` over all :math:`T` periods. .. math:: \underset{\pi \in \Pi}{\max} \, \mathbb{E}_{p^{\pi}} \left[ \sum_{t = 1}^T \delta^{t - 1} u(s_t, a_t^{\pi}(s_t)) \right], where :math:`\mathbb{E}_{p^{\pi}}[\cdot]` denotes the expectation operator under the probability measure :math:`p^{\pi}`. The decision problem is dynamic in the sense that expected inter-temporal per-period utilities at a certain period :math:`t` are influenced by past choices. .. raw:: html
To Explanation

The operationalization of the model allows to proceed with the calibration as described in Mathematical Framework

.. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] For notational convenience we will omit the subscript :math:`a` whenever possible.