Source code for respy.shared

"""Contains functions which are shared across other modules.

This module should only import from other packages or modules of respy which also do not
import from respy itself. This is to prevent circular imports.

import shutil

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from respy._numba import array_to_tuple
from respy.config import CHAOSPY_INSTALLED
from respy.config import MAX_LOG_FLOAT
from respy.config import MIN_LOG_FLOAT
from respy.parallelization import parallelize_across_dense_dimensions

    import chaospy as cp

[docs]def aggregate_keane_wolpin_utility(wage, nonpec, continuation_value, draw, delta): """Calculate the utility of Keane and Wolpin models. Note that the function works for working and non-working alternatives as wages are set to one for non-working alternatives such that the draws enter the utility function additively. Parameters ---------- wage : float Value of the wage component. Note that for non-working alternatives this value is actually zero, but to simplify computations it is set to one. nonpec : float Value of the non-pecuniary component. continuation_value : float Value of the continuation value which is the expected present-value of the following state. draw : float The shock which enters the enters the reward of working alternatives multiplicatively and of non-working alternatives additively. delta : float The discount factor to calculate the present value of continuation values. Returns ------- alternative_specific_value_function : float The expected present value of an alternative. flow_utility : float The immediate reward of an alternative. """ flow_utility = wage * draw + nonpec alternative_specific_value_function = flow_utility + delta * continuation_value return alternative_specific_value_function, flow_utility
[docs]def create_base_draws(shape, seed, monte_carlo_sequence): """Create a set of draws from the standard normal distribution. The draws are either drawn randomly or from quasi-random low-discrepancy sequences, i.e., Sobol or Halton. `"random"` is used to draw random standard normal shocks for the Monte Carlo integrations or because individuals face random shocks in the simulation. `"halton"` or `"sobol"` can be used to change the sequence for two Monte Carlo integrations. First, the calculation of the expected value function (EMAX) in the solution and the choice probabilities in the maximum likelihood estimation. For the solution and estimation it is necessary to have the same randomness in every iteration. Otherwise, there is chatter in the simulation, i.e. a difference in simulated values not only due to different parameters but also due to draws (see 10.5 in [1]_). At the same time, the variance-covariance matrix of the shocks is estimated along all other parameters and changes every iteration. Thus, instead of sampling draws from a varying multivariate normal distribution, standard normal draws are sampled here and transformed to the distribution specified by the parameters in :func:`transform_base_draws_with_cholesky_factor`. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple(int) Tuple representing the shape of the resulting array. seed : int Seed to control randomness. monte_carlo_sequence : {"random", "halton", "sobol"} Name of the sequence. Returns ------- draws : numpy.ndarray Array with shape (n_choices, n_draws, n_choices). See also -------- transform_base_draws_with_cholesky_factor References ---------- .. [1] Train, K. (2009). `Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation <>`_. *Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.* .. [2] Lemieux, C. (2009). `Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Sampling <>`_. *New York: Springer Verlag New York.* """ n_choices = shape[-1] n_points =[:-1]) np.random.seed(seed) if monte_carlo_sequence == "random": draws = np.random.standard_normal(shape) elif monte_carlo_sequence in ["sobol", "halton"]: if CHAOSPY_INSTALLED: rule = monte_carlo_sequence[0].capitalize() distribution = cp.MvNormal(mu=np.zeros(n_choices), sigma=np.eye(n_choices)) draws = distribution.sample(n_points, rule=rule).T.reshape(shape) else: raise ImportError( "Install the package chaospy to use 'sobol' and 'halton' " "in options['monte_carlo_sequence']." ) else: raise NotImplementedError return draws
[docs]def transform_base_draws_with_cholesky_factor( draws, choice_set, shocks_cholesky, optim_paras ): r"""Transform standard normal draws with the Cholesky factor. The standard normal draws are transformed to normal draws with variance-covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma` by multiplication with the Cholesky factor :math:`L` where :math:`L^TL = \Sigma`. See chapter 7.4 in [1]_ for more information. This function relates to :func:`create_base_draws` in the sense that it transforms the unchanging standard normal draws to the distribution with the variance-covariance matrix specified by the parameters. References ---------- .. [1] Gentle, J. E. (2009). Computational statistics (Vol. 308). New York: Springer. See also -------- create_base_draws """ shocks_cholesky = subset_cholesky_factor_to_choice_set(shocks_cholesky, choice_set) draws_transformed = # Check how many wages we have n_wages_raw = len(optim_paras["choices_w_wage"]) n_wages = sum(choice_set[:n_wages_raw]) draws_transformed[:, :n_wages] = np.exp( np.clip(draws_transformed[:, :n_wages], MIN_LOG_FLOAT, MAX_LOG_FLOAT) ) return draws_transformed
[docs]def generate_column_dtype_dict_for_estimation(optim_paras): """Generate column labels for data necessary for the estimation.""" labels = ( ["Identifier", "Period", "Choice", "Wage"] + [f"Experience_{choice.title()}" for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_exp"]] + [f"Lagged_Choice_{i}" for i in range(1, optim_paras["n_lagged_choices"] + 1)] + [observable.title() for observable in optim_paras["observables"]] ) column_dtype_dict = {} for label in labels: if label == "Wage": column_dtype_dict[label] = float elif "Choice" in label: column_dtype_dict[label] = "category" else: column_dtype_dict[label] = int return column_dtype_dict
[docs]def downcast_to_smallest_dtype(series, downcast_options=None): """Downcast the dtype of a :class:`pandas.Series` to the lowest possible dtype. By default, variables are converted to signed or unsigned integers. Use ``"float"`` to cast variables from ``float64`` to ``float32``. Be aware that NumPy integers silently overflow which is why conversion to low dtypes should be done after calculations. For example, using :class:`numpy.uint8` for an array and squaring the elements leads to silent overflows for numbers higher than 255. For more information on the dtype boundaries see the NumPy documentation under """ # We can skip integer as "unsigned" and "signed" will find the same dtypes. if downcast_options is None: downcast_options = ["unsigned", "signed"] if == "category": out = series else: min_dtype = series.dtype for dc_opt in downcast_options: try: dtype = pd.to_numeric(series, downcast=dc_opt).dtype # A ValueError happens if strings are found in the series. except ValueError: min_dtype = "category" break # If we can convert the series to an unsigned integer, we can stop. if"u"): min_dtype = dtype break elif dtype.itemsize < min_dtype.itemsize: min_dtype = dtype else: pass out = series.astype(min_dtype) return out
[docs]def compute_covariates(df, definitions, check_nans=False, raise_errors=True): """Compute covariates. The function iterates over the definitions of covariates and tries to compute them. It keeps track on how many covariates still need to be computed and stops if the number does not change anymore. This might be due to missing information. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with some, maybe not all state space dimensions like period, experiences. definitions : dict Keys represent covariates and values are strings passed to ``df.eval``. check_nans : bool, default False Perform a check whether the variables used to compute the selected covariate do not contain any `np.nan`. This is necessary in :func:`respy.simulate._sample_characteristic` where some characteristics may contain missings. raise_errors : bool, default True Whether to raise errors if variables cannot be computed. This option is necessary for, e.g., :func:`~respy.simulate._sample_characteristic` where not all necessary variables exist and it is not easy to exclude covariates which depend on them. Returns ------- covariates : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with shape (n_states, n_covariates). Raises ------ Exception If variables cannot be computed and ``raise_errors`` is true. """ has_covariates_left_changed = True covariates_left = list(definitions) while has_covariates_left_changed: n_covariates_left = len(covariates_left) # Create a copy of `covariates_left` to remove elements without side-effects. for covariate in covariates_left.copy(): # Check if the covariate does not exist and needs to be computed. is_covariate_missing = covariate not in df.columns if not is_covariate_missing: covariates_left.remove(covariate) continue # Check that the dependencies are present. index_or_columns = df.columns.union(df.index.names) are_dependencies_present = all( dep in index_or_columns for dep in definitions[covariate]["depends_on"] ) if are_dependencies_present: # If true, perform checks for NaNs. if check_nans: have_dependencies_no_missings = all( df.eval(f"{dep}.notna().all()") for dep in definitions[covariate]["depends_on"] ) else: have_dependencies_no_missings = True else: have_dependencies_no_missings = False if have_dependencies_no_missings: df[covariate] = df.eval(definitions[covariate]["formula"]) covariates_left.remove(covariate) has_covariates_left_changed = n_covariates_left != len(covariates_left) if covariates_left and raise_errors: raise Exception(f"Cannot compute all covariates: {covariates_left}.") return df
[docs]def convert_labeled_variables_to_codes(df, optim_paras): """Convert labeled variables to codes. We need to check choice variables and observables for potential labels. The mapping from labels to code can be inferred from the order in ``optim_paras``. """ choices_to_codes = {choice: i for i, choice in enumerate(optim_paras["choices"])} if "choice" in df.columns: df.choice = df.choice.replace(choices_to_codes).astype(np.uint8) for i in range(1, optim_paras["n_lagged_choices"] + 1): label = f"lagged_choice_{i}" if label in df.columns: df[label] = df[label].replace(choices_to_codes).astype(np.uint8) observables = optim_paras["observables"] for observable in observables: if observable in df.columns: levels_to_codes = {lev: i for i, lev in enumerate(observables[observable])} df[observable] = df[observable].replace(levels_to_codes).astype(np.uint8) return df
[docs]def rename_labels_to_internal(x): """Shorten labels and convert them to lower-case.""" return x.replace("Experience", "exp").lower()
[docs]def rename_labels_from_internal(x): """Shorten labels and convert them to lower-case.""" return x.replace("exp", "Experience").title()
[docs]def normalize_probabilities(probabilities): """Normalize probabilities such that their sum equals one. Examples -------- The following `probs` do not sum to one after dividing by the sum. >>> probs = np.array([0.3775843411510946, 0.5384246942799851, 0.6522988820635421]) >>> normalize_probabilities(probs) array([0.24075906, 0.34331568, 0.41592526]) """ probabilities = probabilities / np.sum(probabilities) probabilities[-1] = 1 - probabilities[:-1].sum() return probabilities
@nb.guvectorize( ["f8, f8, f8, f8, f8, f8[:], f8[:]"], "(), (), (), (), () -> (), ()", nopython=True, target="parallel", )
[docs]def calculate_value_functions_and_flow_utilities( wage, nonpec, continuation_value, draw, delta, value_function, flow_utility ): """Calculate the choice-specific value functions and flow utilities. To apply :func:`aggregate_keane_wolpin_utility` to arrays with arbitrary dimensions, this function uses :func:`numba.guvectorize`. One cannot use :func:`numba.vectorize` because it does not support multiple return values. See also -------- aggregate_keane_wolpin_utility """ value_function[0], flow_utility[0] = aggregate_keane_wolpin_utility( wage, nonpec, continuation_value, draw, delta )
[docs]def create_core_state_space_columns(optim_paras): """Create internal column names for the core state space.""" return [f"exp_{choice}" for choice in optim_paras["choices_w_exp"]] + [ f"lagged_choice_{i}" for i in range(1, optim_paras["n_lagged_choices"] + 1) ]
[docs]def create_dense_state_space_columns(optim_paras): """Create internal column names for the dense state space.""" exogenous_processes = optim_paras["exogenous_processes"] dense_columns = list(optim_paras["observables"]) static_dense_columns = [x for x in dense_columns if x not in exogenous_processes] columns = static_dense_columns if optim_paras["n_types"] >= 2: columns += ["type"] columns += list(exogenous_processes) return columns
[docs]def create_dense_choice_state_space_columns(optim_paras): """Create internal column names for the dense state space.""" columns = list(optim_paras["observables"]) + [ f"_{x}" for x in optim_paras["choices"] ] if optim_paras["n_types"] >= 2: columns += ["type"] return columns
[docs]def create_state_space_columns(optim_paras): """Create names of state space dimensions excluding the period and identifier.""" return create_core_state_space_columns( optim_paras ) + create_dense_state_space_columns(optim_paras)
@nb.guvectorize( ["f8[:], f8[:], f8[:], f8[:, :], f8, f8[:]"], "(n_choices), (n_choices), (n_choices), (n_draws, n_choices), () -> ()", nopython=True, target="parallel", )
[docs]def calculate_expected_value_functions( wages, nonpecs, continuation_values, draws, delta, expected_value_functions ): r"""Calculate the expected maximum of value functions for a set of unobservables. The function takes an agent and calculates the utility for each of the choices, the ex-post rewards, with multiple draws from the distribution of unobservables and adds the discounted expected maximum utility of subsequent periods resulting from choices. Averaging over all maximum utilities yields the expected maximum utility of this state. The underlying process in this function is called `Monte Carlo integration <>`_. The goal is to approximate an integral by evaluating the integrand at randomly chosen points. In this setting, one wants to approximate the m maximum utility of the current state. Note that ``wages`` have the same length as ``nonpecs`` despite that wages are only available in some choices. Missing choices are filled with ones. In the case of a choice with wage and without wage, flow utilities are .. math:: \text{Flow Utility} = \text{Wage} * \epsilon + \text{Non-pecuniary} \text{Flow Utility} = 1 * \epsilon + \text{Non-pecuniary} Parameters ---------- wages : numpy.ndarray Array with shape (n_choices,) containing wages. nonpecs : numpy.ndarray Array with shape (n_choices,) containing non-pecuniary rewards. continuation_values : numpy.ndarray Array with shape (n_choices,) containing expected maximum utility for each choice in the subsequent period. draws : numpy.ndarray Array with shape (n_draws, n_choices). delta : float The discount factor. Returns ------- expected_value_functions : float Expected maximum utility of an agent. """ n_draws, n_choices = draws.shape expected_value_functions[0] = 0 for i in range(n_draws): max_value_functions = 0 for j in range(n_choices): value_function, _ = aggregate_keane_wolpin_utility( wages[j], nonpecs[j], continuation_values[j], draws[i, j], delta ) if value_function > max_value_functions: max_value_functions = value_function expected_value_functions[0] += max_value_functions expected_value_functions[0] /= n_draws
[docs]def convert_dictionary_keys_to_dense_indices(dictionary): """Convert the keys to tuples containing integers. Examples -------- >>> dictionary = {(0.0, 1): 0, 2: 1} >>> convert_dictionary_keys_to_dense_indices(dictionary) {(0, 1): 0, (2,): 1} """ new_dictionary = {} for key, val in dictionary.items(): new_key = (int(key),) if np.isscalar(key) else tuple(int(i) for i in key) new_dictionary[new_key] = val return new_dictionary
[docs]def subset_cholesky_factor_to_choice_set(cholesky_factor, choice_set): """Subset the Cholesky factor to dimensions required by the admissible choice set. Examples -------- >>> m = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) >>> subset_cholesky_factor_to_choice_set(m, (False, True, False)) array([[4]]) """ rows_cols_to_keep = np.where(choice_set)[0] out = cholesky_factor[rows_cols_to_keep][:, rows_cols_to_keep] return out
[docs]def return_core_dense_key(core_idx, dense=False): """Return core dense keys in the right format.""" if dense is False: return (core_idx, 0) else: return (core_idx, dense)
[docs]def pandas_dot(x, beta, out=None): """Compute the dot product for a DataFrame and a Series. The function computes each product in the dot product separately to limit the impact of converting a Series to an array. To access the NumPy array, `.values` is used instead of `.to_numpy()` because it is faster and the latter avoids problems for extension arrays which are not used here. Parameters ---------- x : pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the covariates of the dot product. beta : pandas.Series A Series containing the parameters or coefficients of the dot product. out : numpy.ndarray or optional An output array can be passed to the function which is filled instead of allocating a new array. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray Array with shape `len(x)` which contains the solution of the dot product. Examples -------- >>> x = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2), columns=list("ab")) >>> beta = pd.Series([1, 2], index=list("ab")) >>> array([ 2, 8, 14, 20, 26]... >>> pandas_dot(x, beta) array([ 2., 8., 14., 20., 26.]) """ received_out = False if out is None else True if not received_out: out = np.zeros(x.shape[0]) for covariate, beta_ in beta.items(): out += beta_ * x[covariate].values if not received_out: return out
[docs]def map_observations_to_states(states, state_space, optim_paras): """Map observations in data to states.""" core_columns = ["period"] + create_core_state_space_columns(optim_paras) core = states.reset_index(level="period")[core_columns].to_numpy(dtype="int64") core_key, core_index = map_states_to_core_key_and_core_index( core, state_space.indexer ) if state_space.dense_covariates_to_dense_index: dense_columns = create_dense_state_space_columns(optim_paras) dense = states[dense_columns].to_numpy(dtype="int64") dense_key = _map_observations_to_dense_index( dense, core_key, state_space.dense_covariates_to_dense_index, state_space.core_key_and_dense_index_to_dense_key, ) else: dense_key = core_key.copy() return dense_key, core_index
[docs]def map_states_to_core_key_and_core_index(states, indexer): """Map states to the core key and core index. Parameters ---------- states : numpy.ndarray Multidimensional array containing only core dimensions of states. indexer : numba.typed.Dict A dictionary with core states as keys and the core key and core index as values. Returns ------- core_key : numpy.ndarray An array containing the core key. See :ref:`core_key`. core_index : numpy.ndarray An array containing the core index. See :ref:`core_indices`. """ n_states = states.shape[0] core_key = np.zeros(n_states, dtype=np.int64) core_index = np.zeros(n_states, dtype=np.int64) for i in range(n_states): core_key_, core_index_ = indexer[array_to_tuple(indexer, states[i])] core_key[i] = core_key_ core_index[i] = core_index_ return core_key, core_index
[docs]def _map_observations_to_dense_index( dense, core_index, dense_covariates_to_dense_index, core_key_and_dense_index_to_dense_key, ): n_observations = dense.shape[0] dense_key = np.zeros(n_observations, dtype=np.int64) for i in range(n_observations): dense_index = dense_covariates_to_dense_index[ array_to_tuple(dense_covariates_to_dense_index, dense[i]) ] dense_key_ = core_key_and_dense_index_to_dense_key[(core_index[i], dense_index)] dense_key[i] = dense_key_ return dense_key
[docs]def dump_objects(objects, topic, complex_, options): """Dump states.""" file_name = _create_file_name_from_complex_index(topic, complex_) objects.to_parquet( options["cache_path"] / file_name, compression=options["cache_compression"], )
[docs]def load_objects(topic, complex_, options): """Load states.""" file_name = _create_file_name_from_complex_index(topic, complex_) directory = options["cache_path"] return pd.read_parquet(directory / file_name)
[docs]def _create_file_name_from_complex_index(topic, complex_): """Create a file name from a complex index.""" choice = "".join(str(int(x)) for x in complex_[1]) if len(complex_) == 3: file_name = f"{topic}_{complex_[0]}_{choice}_{complex_[2]}.parquet" elif len(complex_) == 2: file_name = f"{topic}_{complex_[0]}_{choice}.parquet" else: raise NotImplementedError return file_name
[docs]def prepare_cache_directory(options): """Prepare cache directory. The directory contains the parts of the state space. """ directory = options["cache_path"] if directory.exists(): shutil.rmtree(directory) directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return directory
[docs]def select_valid_choices(choices, choice_set): """Select valid choices. Examples -------- >>> select_valid_choices(list("abcde"), (1, 0, 1, 0, 1)) ['a', 'c', 'e'] >>> select_valid_choices(list("abc"), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0)) ['b'] """ return [x for i, x in enumerate(choices) if choice_set[i]]
[docs]def apply_law_of_motion_for_core(df, optim_paras): """Apply the law of motion for the core dimensions. This function only applies the law of motion for core dimensions which are the period, experiences, and previous choices. Depending on the integer-encoded choice in ``df["choice"]``, the new state is computed. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The DataFrame contains states with information on the period, experiences, previous choices. The current choice is encoded as an integer in a column named ``"choice"``. optim_paras : dict Contains model parameters. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame The DataFrame contains the states in the next period. """ n_lagged_choices = optim_paras["n_lagged_choices"] # Update work experiences. for i, choice in enumerate(optim_paras["choices_w_exp"]): df[f"exp_{choice}"] += df["choice"] == i # Update lagged choices by deleting oldest lagged, renaming other lags and inserting # choice in the first position. if n_lagged_choices: # Save position of first lagged choice. position = df.columns.tolist().index("lagged_choice_1") # Drop oldest lag. df = df.drop(columns=f"lagged_choice_{n_lagged_choices}") # Rename newer lags rename_lagged_choices = { f"lagged_choice_{i}": f"lagged_choice_{i + 1}" for i in range(1, n_lagged_choices) } df = df.rename(columns=rename_lagged_choices) # Add current choice as new lag. df.insert(position, "lagged_choice_1", df["choice"]) df["period"] = df["period"] + 1 return df
[docs]def get_choice_set_from_complex(complex_tuple): """Select the choice set from a complex tuple. Parameters ---------- complex_tuple : tuple The complex tuple. Returns ------- The choice set as tuple. """ return complex_tuple[1]
[docs]def get_exogenous_from_dense_covariates(dense_covariates, optim_paras): """Select eogenous grid points from dense grid points. Parameters ---------- dense_covariates : tuple Dense covariates grid point. optim_paras : dict Returns ------- The exogenous grid tuple """ num_exog = len(optim_paras["exogenous_processes"]) return dense_covariates[-num_exog:]